Collection: Fibre Art Collection

Fibre arts are something handed down the generations, often Mother to daughter, that are part of a family's living history. My mother was a fantastic knitter and crochet-er, and she taught her disabled daughter as something that would improve my hand-eye coordination with my brain injury. The day she died the crochet early efforts of her daughter still draped the back of her lounge - Granny blankets.

Crochet is something that can not be produced by machine so tends to come in and out of vogue due to the labour costs.

My crochet creations, made mainly from premium natural yarns, need to move on for someone to enjoy, so here they are, looking for a forever home while I make some more. those not claimed by the family will be here. Hey, they are NOT cheap, but crochet is never cheap unless the maker is in a sweat shop.