Newsletter January 2025
Welcome to 2025!
Whew! The Christmas Rush is done and dusted and now we can think what we are going to do for the Year of the Wood Snake.
In Chinese culture, the snake is a greatly respected animal for its instinctive and adaptive nature. In 2025, the Year of the Wood Snake offers a chance for personal growth and success
We do not do Valentines or Mothers/Father’s Day here as we believe every time someone purchases from us is a celebration of love for themselves or someone else of loving kindness and good health.
January is a remarkably busy month with the engineering day job, so the Shop is much quieter. We only have a couple of new products coming on line this month with a few in testing as we live in what can be a very difficult environment with temperature and humidity in January and are usually catching up on things we make just for our family, like deodorants and face and body oils, testing some new thought bubbles that might become lines, and starting to look for ideas for Christmas 2025 corporate lines.
New Products
1. Orgone Generators
I have bought-in some orgone generators to enhance meditation practise. Genuine and natural crystals are used to make these 5cm x 5cm pyramids, Orgone is a combination of resin, metal shavings, copper and crystals. Every pyramid is unique, and photos are a representation of the product. We have chosen each pyramid carefully and suggest placing them on your meditation altar.
Orgone Generators are said to promote and protect Qi. The crystal stones absorb the negative energy and create a positive environment which lead to improved meditation and reduced stress. The orgonite pyramids are made with natural resin, real crystals, copper wire, chips stones crystals, and a feng shui crystal ball.
2. Re-Useable Make-Up Wipes (Face Scrubbies)
I have finally had the chance to sit down and make some face scrubbies, or make-up wipes. These are ecofriendly alternative to disposable cotton pads and come in a variety of colours and two cotton yarns, both from Australian companies
The first is organic cotton from a NSW woman owned business and will be $24.95 a set of four.
The second is a cotton variegated yarn from Bendigo Woollen Mills and will be $19.95 for a set of four.
Both are packaged in an organza bag and should be hand or machine washed in a wash bag then dried flat. I rinse mine by hand and let them dry in the bathroom and give them a machine wash when they need one.
Crochet is something that cannot be reproduced by machine, unlike most other textiles, so is labour intensive. Each set takes around an hour to make. Are they expensive? No, if you are paying for them to be made fairly. Are they worth it? Absolutely, if you want to reduce your consumption of disposables. Cared for well, they can last a couple of years, making you both environmental and cost savings.
Test Bench!
1. Adventures in the All-Aussie Eco-Friendly Casting Compound
I have officially become a silicone mould collector for this compound, and I am excited Bramblier have now produced and eco-friendly resin, which widens my options on the bathroom products and food-safe products I make.
I will admit I also have more liquid pigments for this product than I have for my soap and candles combined.
I have been bringing a smaller eco-friendly candle jar into production and will start to fill and evaluate over the next few weeks. The jar holds 130g of wax and fragrance and will have an optional lid. Once the candle is spent it will be a pretty jar with stars for small items.
Having settled on my two types of candle jars, I have one soap dish in testing in the bathroom and I am currently stalking soap dish moulds and bathroom sets.
I am also stalking Tree of Life and Yin-Yang coasters, platters, etc. and spotted some beauties in the UK.
Farm Life
Summer on the farm has hit us and everything is growing, the horses spend a lot of time looking for a handout, and Jake and George, the new rescue, are at an armed truce most of the time.
George. the canine pugilist, has had fifteen teeth out and is healing well, then we will address his behavioural issues which the normally placid, easy-going Jake is not too happy about.
Pic:- Post Op George back in his own bed.
Sadly, we have had water thefts resume, including damaging the tank. Water is a vital part of any Australian community, and we are blessed to have a good bore, and we keep the tank reasonably full in summer in case the local Rural Fire Service, of which we are members, need it.
Always remember in a rural area there are a few rules that make you be a welcome weekend or visiting citizen:-
· Leave a gate as you found it.
· If it is not yours, do not touch it.
· The bull/stallion/ram is not a quiet placid bull/stallion/ram like in the films. Stay out of his paddock unless you ask the farmer first.
· The pretty crop not is not yours to trample for an Instagram opportunity. It is the farmer’s livelihood.
· Water is precious. Do not waste it, do not steal it, do not contaminate it.
· Your rubbish kills baby animals – ours, the neighbours, the wildlife. Take it with you, do not dump it beside the road for animals to choke on or be trapped in.
· Our farm is not yours to ride a dirt bike or 4WD on. Your noisy machines are not fun for those of us who live here. Keep your fun on YOUR property, not ours or the public road.
· Our farm is not yours to shoot on. If you want to shoot, even though you cannot hit the side of a barn, find a shooting range.
· Our farm is not your kids’ or dog’s fun park. Like your kids and your bikes, keep them on your own place so they do not end up dropped off at the Police Station (kids), at the pound (straying dogs) or shot (attacking dogs).
The farm rules are not that hard. Mostly they are about being responsible and considerate. If we all do that then everyone has a good long weekend.
Happy Australia Day, everyone.