Weekend Blog - Eco-Friendly Candle Vessels & Homewares

Weekend Blog - Eco-Friendly Candle Vessels & Homewares

Well, we constantly learn and innovate here at Nashama Equine & Wellness, as you would expect from a farm based business.

While I am by no means a pioneer in making my own candle vessels, I have never used strong, concrete or clay compounds for anything but work. Floors, sewer pipes, walls, etc. I have never so much as thrown a clay pot before.

Being an engineering technican by trade, but not any sort off artist that might have done something in this vein before, it has taken me a long time to make a decision on what casting compound I wanted to try to make a few things, including our own, unique candle vessels.

What I did know was I do not want to get into pottery, between horses and my soaper, I have enough stuff taking up house and shed space, so some sort of casting compound that will come up to strength without the need for firing or another room for equipment was the go for me. Hydrostone and Jesmonite topped the list of compounds in common use by artists and chandlers.

I decided on the concrete offspring, jesmonite, which is a strong gypsum based product, but, of course, it also had to be eco-friendly and from another small Aussie business. And finally I had to find the right moulds. So off I went to hunt down an Australian jesmonite manufacturer (bonus points for producing kits to learn from), and the Australian mould caster, whom I found in Queensland.

After checking SDS's, I decided on neither hydrostone or jesmonite due to their crystalline silica content. I chose a product called Ecrylimer, which is a composite gypsum triturate powder with an eco-friendly acrylic binder, from another small Aussie business in Launceston, Tasmania, Bramblier.

Purchasing done, next was finding the time to do it and double check I had a clue on what I was doing.

Yesterday I finally dragged my Ecrylimer beginners kit out of the cupboard and set to work. I arrayed my tools and materials and started to weigh, chose my colours, and made my first stuff up, and did my first pour into a nice easy tray. 6 pours later, I poured the end objective, the candle vessel.

Ta da! The new thing I learned to do this weekend, in Wedgewood blue and white, in their moulds.

By the end of the day I had 4 candle jars and some small trays and pots, which need to be sealed.

And I was impressed. Quick, easy, I got some blobby and layered colour effects, and once I got the hang of the short time to remove them from the moulds, so easy to get along with. I had so much fun I used the entire kit by the end of the day, and ordered more materials. Next time I will have a crack at the longer term looks I want - marbling and terazzo.

As for the casting compound, Ecrylimer, it consists of the powder and acrylic binder resin. Unlike traditional resins, this one is focused on being environmentally friendly and good for human well-being. Derived from the natural minerals, gypsum, it has zero volatile organic compounds (VOCs), no formaldehyde, and no biocides. It is also zero waste as the leftovers become terrazzo chips for future projects, and has been tested for candles and up to 2000 degrees.

It is also 100% homegrown right here in Australia, so does not have the hassles currently being experienced by many with imported products.

All in all, a safe, innovative, environmentally friendly and just plain clever product from another small Aussie business, so Ecrylimer ticked all our boxes.

Watch the shop space for the results of our future adventures with Ecrylimer!

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