About us
Nashama Equine and Wellness are a bunch of Arabian horses, a feline, a canine, and their humans who have had a long health journey to now. Originally from the Riverina Region of NSW, when one of their horses became ill with something vets could not fix or when they were unable to obtain locally, they went and learned the skill, so have studied hard and become a multi-talented duo.
Glen, our animal health expert, is a farrier, a barefoot trimmer (yes, he has studied both!), a bodyworker, a chiropractor, a massage therapist, and an acupressure therapist.
Glen works full time in these roles and services the Southern Tablelands Region of NSW including his home area of Tarago, Braidwood, Goulburn, Bungendore, Canberra, Yass, Murrumbateman, Taralga and Wombeyan.
Once a month he returns to the Riverina to service some of his oldest clients in Wagga Wagga, Junee and Marrar.

Julia, works from home consulting in safety & wellbeing, emergency management and human resources, which gives her time to make our healthy soap, candles and shower steamers.
Julia's professional and holistic studies have led her to conclude what you put into your mind, into your mouth, on your skin and into your environment affects your health and that of your colleagues, and improving the welbbeing of your most important resource, you staff, will improve your business.
Julia holds a Bachelor of Emergency Managment, Diplomas of Work Health & Safety, geospatial engineering, and acupuncture, and has qualified in workplace investigation, return to work coordination, health and nutrition coaching, and is a certified Medical Qigong instructor. She is currently enrolled in the Certificate IV in Vocational Training and Assessment and willl be able to not just advised management, but teach staff. She is happy to consult to small and medium businesses, auditing their policy frameworks, and bringing them up to Best Practice, and is known for writing practical, useable, understandable policy.
Julia has worked with many sustainability and restoration projects and has a keen interest in offering only the healthiest body care products to enhance physical and mental health. She chooses ingredients for her body care products for their minimum chemical load, sustainability, ethical, social, Fair Trade, animal cruelty and child exploitation free qualities. Most products are 100% natural and from organic ingredients. ,Julia runs our healthy body shop, which is chock full of gluten and nut friendly soap, candles, bath bombs, and shower steamers and can tailor make corporate end of year gift packs.
Please enjoy our web site and web shop.